Art of Thievery : A Silent Heist
Forsbergs School Project
3rd Person Action Stealth Game
Unreal Engine 5.2 / Unreal Engine Blueprints
Team: 4
Duration: 5 weeks
Role: Player character mechanics, NPC mechanics, Animations, NPC AI, Stealth system.

Player Character
UE Mannequin does not come with an existing crouch animation. The animation was imported, then the character was re-rigged to enable the crouching animation. Other minor tweaks were also made to existing animations to fit the character model (but still not perfect).
Adjust bones individually
Since there was no throwing animation that met the requirements of the game, a passable tossing animation was created by individually adjusting the clavicle, upper arm, lower arm, and hand bones. Keyframing various points along the track created a smooth animation effect.

IK Retargetting
Retargeting of rigged characters with offset to the Unreal Engine Mannequins. By remapping the major bone components of the imported characters, we can allow for the use of the character with the animations of the Unreal Engine Mannequins, or vice versa, with some adjustments.

Added Functionality
Apart from the standard actions of the Unreal Engine 3rd Person Template, other functions were added via Blueprint to allow the player character to interact with objects in the world, such as picking up items, throwing items, and opening doors via the Interactor Interface and Throwable Interface.

Guard 01 : Julie
Guard Blueprint combined with pawn sensing enables guards to detect by sight or sound within a certain radius. Upon sensing "something," the guards will investigate, and upon seeing the player character, they will give chase. In Julie's case, her station is to be seated at the front desk security station until she senses something to investigate.

Guard 02 : Pete
Controlled with the basic Guard Blueprint. However, his blueprint has a patrol function that enables him to walk to a random position within a certain radius of his current position, then wait for a few seconds before moving to a new random position.